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Celebrating the 20th annual Pro Bono Week 2021

This year’s Pro Bono Week has recognised and supported the voluntary contribution made by the legal profession across the UK in giving free legal advice to those who otherwise would not be able to access support.

We calculate that the firm has spent over 150 hours on pro bono work since our launch in 2020 – from advising the campaigning organisation Pupil Power to ensure children’s voices are heard during the pandemic, to challenging discriminatory hospital visitor guidance on behalf of a disabled client, to acting for the National Autistic Society in a legal intervention on children’s social care, to acting for the parents of a child with special educational needs – and while we are proud of our pro bono contribution, it remains vital that the justice system and legal aid are properly funded by government so that everyone has access to justice when they need it. 

Pro Bono Week is organised by a committee that includes representatives from the legal professional bodies across the four nations of the UK, pro bono charities, law schools and law firms. It aims to encourage members of the legal profession and law students to volunteer their time, as well as celebrating pro bono work and promoting best practice.

Details of this year’s events, running until 12 November 2021, can be found here.

November 2021

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